Breaker Bay Defibrillator

Recently the BBMPPA has purchased and installed a defibrillator for use in emergencies.

The defibrillator has been installed on the fence at the Southern end of Breaker Bay hall

If you need to access it, call 111, the operator will ask for the cabinet number which is written on the outside of the cabinet and then give you the key code to gain access. 

The cabinet lock opens anticlockwise, the defibrillator is inside and comes in its own carry case.

If you use the defibrillator, can you please notify someone in the committee so the defibrillator pads can be replaced and the device checked.

The defibrillator is an IPAD CU-SP1 Plus AED.  Link below for instructions.

How to operate the IPAD CU-SP1 AED (CU Medical)

Breaker Bay

Breaker Bay Moa Point Progressive Association

Works on community concerns that affect residents of the area including environmental issues.

Has Breaker Bay Hall, owned by all the residents, that is available for hire.

150 Breaker Bay Road,
Wellington 6021



Annie Hayward - Into the Light


Greg Melville Art Exhibition