

Breaker Bay Hall Fund

We have a big insurance bill we need to pay for peace of mind for our local hall.

Whether you have used the hall for a birthday, a wedding, a games evening, a quiz, a meditation dojo, a funeral or a celebration – the Breaker Bay Hall is not just for the Breaker Bay/ Moa Point/ Seatoun community – it is for the wider Wellington community.

We ran a successful Givealittle campaign last year and many thanks to everyone who contributed. We need some more funds to pay our hefty insurance fees, so once again we are asking for you to contribute to the hall funds.

We appreciate any donation that will keep this community institution alive for the future.


Tea towels

$15 each



$40 each

Breaker Bay goodies

A range of T-shirts and tea towels featuring the designs of a penguin and crayfish by the late Scott Kennedy, artist and illustrator, who lived in Breaker Bay for many years.

All the proceeds go to the maintenance of Breaker Bay Hall


Ring Donna on 04-939 4541 or email to enquire about them.

You are welcome to visit 127 Breaker Bay Rd to try, buy the T-shirts. Ring the bell.