Evacuation Followup

Issued by Breaker Bay & Moa Point Progressive Association

With any good storm, all sorts of stuff gets washed up for combing through later.
Here’s a timeline...

Friday 25 June - WREMO is alerted to increasing swell. Recently completed, NIWA Onshore Wave Model used to predict possible outcomes.

Sunday 27 June - Warning alert.

Tuesday 29 June - Breaker Bay residents told to evacuate - most did, some stayed. Storm did its thing. Some spill over to the road in parts. Agreed by most residents - that it was no worse than any previous storm event. Widely publicised through numerous news outlets.

Wednesday 30 June - Evacuated residents returned. Chewed the fat about what had taken place. Many happy to have been warned and evacuated. Many not so satisfied.

Wednesday 7 July BBMPPA AGM - all agree to shift focus from a presentation about local vegetation to a review of the evacuation event. Invites to key decision makers in WREMO, NIWA, and WCC who attend and provide an informative outline of what took place from their end of the spectrum.

Now what? - It’s time to work together to help NIWA refine their wave modelling data to improve how we respond to storms yet to visit us.

How you can help

Photographs please

If you have any of this storm and any other previous ones, please send your pix to enquiries@niwa.co.nz subject line “Breaker Bay Storms” and note

  • The name of the photographer (so NIWA attribute it properly)

  • The date the photo was taken (and time, if known)

  • The location of the photo (as specific as possible, e.g. an address)

Tell your stories

Andrew Tait and a colleague from NIWA are coming to Breaker Bay this Thursday (22 July) and want to do a walkabout, meet the locals and chat about what has happened during and after previous storms. They need residents to show them the maximum waterline in front of their properties during recent and previous storms. If you’re keen to help by participating in part/all of the walkabout contact doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/Le3Mkxb6

We're going with the most popular time and will be in touch - if you can't make it please let a neighbour know who is participating or let us know contact - bbmppa.secretary@gmail.com

To sign up to receive Metservice weather & swell warnings go to: lists.metservice.co.nz/multisub

Coastal resilience - Short, medium & long-term options - working group partners: WCC, WREMO, Councillors

Emergency Response - Reviewing current & improving future event response working group partners: WREMO, WCC

Informing scientific modelling - Providing community knowledge & experience to evolve modelling partners: WREMO, Metservice


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